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J. Reichel, M. Skutella Evolutionary Algorithms and Matroid Optimization Problems Algorithmica, Volume 57, Issue 1, pp. 187 - 206, 2010 |
J. Reichel, M. Skutella On the Size of Weights in Randomized Search Heuristics Proceedings of Foundations of Genetic Algorithms X (FOGA '09), Orlando, 2009 |
J. Reichel, M. Skutella On the Size of Weights in Randomized Search Heuristics Technical Report CI-253/08, Dept. of Computer Science, TU Dortmund, 2008 also available as: Preprint 31-2008, Institut für Mathematik, TU Berlin, 2008 |
F. Neumann, J. Reichel Approximating Minimum Multicuts by Evolutionary Multi-Objective Algorithms Proceedings of the 10th International Conference on Parallel Problem Solving From Nature (PPSN '08), Dortmund, pp. 72 - 81, 2008 (best paper award) |
J. Reichel, M. Skutella Evolutionary Algorithms and Matroid Optimization Problems Preprint 24-2008, Institut für Mathematik, TU Berlin, 2008 earlier revision available as: Technical Report CI-225/07, Dept. of Computer Science, University of Dortmund, 2007 |
F. Neumann, J. Reichel Approximating Minimum Multicuts by Evolutionary Multi-Objective Algorithms Technical Report CI-249/08, Dept. of Computer Science, TU Dortmund, 2008 also available as: Preprint 23-2008, Institut für Mathematik, TU Berlin, 2008 |
F. Neumann, J. Reichel, M. Skutella Computing Minimum Cuts by Randomized Search Heuristics Proceedings of the 10th Genetic and Evolutionary Computation Conference (GECCO '08), Atlanta, pp. 779 - 787, 2008 (nominated for best paper award) |
F. Neumann, J. Reichel, M. Skutella Computing Minimum Cuts by Randomized Search Heuristics Technical Report CI-242/08, Dept. of Computer Science, TU Dortmund, 2008 also available as: Preprint 3-2008, Institut für Mathematik, TU Berlin, 2008 |
F. Eisenbrand, S. Funke, A. Karrenbauer, J. Reichel, E. Schömer Packing a Trunk - now with a Twist Int. Journal of Computational Geometry and Applications (IJCGA), Volume 17, Issue 5, pp. 505 - 527, 2007 |
J. Reichel, M. Skutella Evolutionary Algorithms and Matroid Optimization Problems Proceedings of the 9th Genetic and Evolutionary Computation Conference (GECCO '07), London, pp. 947 - 954, 2007 (best paper award) |
J. Reichel Combinatorial Approaches for the Trunk Packing Problem PhD Thesis, Universität des Saarlandes, Saarbrücken, 2006 |
E. Berberich, A. Eigenwillig, M. Hemmer, S. Hert, L. Kettner, K. Mehlhorn,
J. Reichel, S. Schmitt, E. Schömer, N. Wolpert EXACUS: Efficient and Exact Algorithms for Curves and Surfaces Proceedings of the 13th Annual European Symposium on Algorithms (ESA '05), Mallorca, Spain, LNCS 3669, Springer, pp. 155 - 166, 2005 |
F. Eisenbrand, S. Funke, A. Karrenbauer, J. Reichel, E. Schömer Packing a Trunk - now with a Twist Proceedings of the 2005 ACM Symposium on Solid and Physical Modeling, (SPM '05), Cambridge, pp. 197 - 206, 2005 (best paper award) |
E. Berberich, A. Eigenwillig, M. Hemmer, S. Hert, L. Kettner, K. Mehlhorn,
J. Reichel, S. Schmitt, E. Schömer, N. Wolpert, D. Weber EXACUS: Efficient and Exact Algorithms for Curves and Surfaces Technical Report ECG-TR-361200-02, Max-Planck-Institut für Informatik, 2004 |
F. Eisenbrand, S. Funke, J. Reichel, E. Schömer Packing a Trunk Proceedings of the 11th Annual European Symposium on Algorithms (ESA '03), Budapest, Hungary, LNCS 2832, Springer, pp. 618 - 629, 2003 |
E. Schömer, J. Reichel, T. Warken, C. Lennerz Efficient collision detection for curved solid objects Seventh ACM Symposium on Solid Modeling and Applications (SM '02), Saarbrücken, Germany, ACM Press, pp. 321 - 328, 2002 |
J. Reichel Optimale Hüllkörper für Objekte mit gekrümmten Oberflächen Master's Thesis (Diplomarbeit), Universität des Saarlandes, Saarbrücken, 2001 |